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People who commit sexual offences are a heterogeneous group, with research suggesting that children and young people commit a large proportion of all sex offences, especially those committed against other children. This systematic review provides a synthesis of literature concerning the characteristics of children and adolescents who exhibit harmful sexual behaviour. There is a particular focus in this review on studies that examine the characteristics of children and young people exhibiting these behaviours within institutional and organisational settings or which take a situational and/or developmental approach to understanding sexually abusive behaviour. Using a developmental and life-course criminology lens, this review explores implications from the literature for the prevention and response to child sexual abuse, with a particular focus on institutional contexts where the perpetrators are children and adolescents.  相似文献   
统筹使用各类编制资源,是新时代机构和行政体制改革的重要方向。本文首先分析了编制分类的内容构成、不同类型编制的管理权限、编制总量控制的政策约束,进而对编制分类管理的效应及带来的问题进行了综合性分析。接着,追踪梳理当前地方统筹使用各类编制的最新探索和创新。在此基础上,从跨类别、跨部门、跨地域、跨层级四个维度,提出编制统筹管理改革的思路和政策建议。  相似文献   
在新冠肺炎疫情期间,社区的“志愿者+社区社会组织”实务模式在防控疫情蔓延、平缓居民心态、链接生活物资等方面发挥了重要作用。从志愿者参与途径看,“志愿者+社区社会组织”服务实践主要体现为价值取向中的个体主动、从众压力下的群体驱动、基于科层权威的单位组织、社区自治组织发动的“网格+志愿服务”、注重多元主体协同的混合五种具体模式,并在防疫工作中发挥了各自效力。该实务模式尚存志愿者和社区社会组织工作人员的定位分化、志愿服务风险系数高、志愿者疫情防控能力不足等突出问题。为推进志愿服务参与社区社会组织的疫情防控效率,须明晰组织与志愿者之间的合作基础,实施志愿服务的成本收益分析,筛选合适的志愿服务模式,总结疫情防控的基本经验,推动志愿服务的制度化建设。  相似文献   
加强农村基层党组织建设是坚持和加强党对农村工作全面领导的必然要求,是巩固基层政权的迫切需要,是巩固党在农村执政基础的应然选择。但是,部分农村基层党组织软弱涣散,党员结构不平衡,在党意识不强,农村干部本领恐慌,管理制度、监督机制不健全。需要通过选优配强带头人,提升党员队伍素质,增强服务效能,提升乡村治理能力,落实主体责任等路径,推动农村基层党组织全面进步、全面过硬,促进全面从严治在农村落地生根。  相似文献   

Research is lacking concerning the impact of leadership styles on citizen attitudes toward the performance of government leaders. To address this gap, an online experimental survey was conducted to determine the effect of leadership styles on respondents’ perceptions regarding a fictitious superintendent’s performance in a school district. The results demonstrate that democratic leadership practices enhanced the performance reviews of the superintendent, while autocratic leadership practices decreased them. Respondents’ level of public service motivation (PSM) was also found to have a positive effect on the superintendent’s performance ratings. Furthermore, democratic leadership style moderated the relationship between PSM and the performance ratings assigned by respondents. In particular, individuals with high PSM rated the performance of democratic leaders higher as compared to individuals with low PSM. However, autocratic leadership was not found to moderate the relationship between PSM and the superintendent’s performance. These results are thoroughly discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
在退回补充侦查制度已经出现了实体功能有限、程序功能异化以及衍生检警矛盾等诸多流弊的情况下,学界仍然致力于进一步完善这一制度的理论构建,始终忽略了自行补充侦查所具有的理论与实践上的价值,原因在于我们对检察机关自行补充侦查的认识存在偏差。自行补充侦查并非旨在为公安机关的侦查提供"帮手",而是需要强调其"监督者"与"引导者"的角色。对于完善补充侦查制度来说,检察机关自行补充侦查具有关键意义,更重要的是,自行补充侦查制度亦为检察官客观义务的履行、审判中心主义的刑事司法制度改革以及当前检警关系的改善所必需。  相似文献   
民事诉讼法是实质诉讼规范和诉讼程序规范之集合,但通说却将其同义于诉讼程序法而尘封实质诉讼法。从法律发达史上考察,实质诉讼法曾依附于实体私法体系,且与诉讼程序法长期处于分离状态,在脱离私法体系之后于民事诉讼法中找到了安身之处,并且在公法诉权说的推动下皈依了公法。在实质诉讼法脱私法体系而入诉讼法体系的发展过程中,温特沙伊德的《诉论》发挥了主要原动力作用,因而被奉为促成民事诉讼法走向独立化的“门罗宣言”。本文拟通过解读《诉论》,阐述实质诉讼法脱离私法体系而入公法的民事诉讼法之过程,恢复实质诉讼法的本来面目,以为我们克服民事诉讼法同于纯程序法之观念提供理论上的支撑。  相似文献   
The private nature of corporate actors does not necessarily preclude them from contributing to public interest. When business strategies and genuine public motivation are favorably aligned, corporate actors from the private sector can also drive public sector innovations. For a private corporation, policy entrepreneurship inherently entails crossing not only the public–private boundary but also various policy domains. This study formulates five propositions to characterize the cross-boundary strategies of corporate policy entrepreneurship, a distinct form of policy entrepreneurship in a developing authoritarian state. The case study of mobile healthcare payment innovation in China finds that the corporate entrepreneur used a series of cross-boundary strategies adeptly that eventually made the innovation not only adopted in one locality but also rapidly diffused nationwide. These strategies were not used in isolation or in a pure stepwise fashion but appeared to be recursive and interactive, suggesting the dynamic nature of corporate policy entrepreneurship in a multilevel governance system. More studies could be done to further examine strategies and processes of other forms of policy entrepreneurship in various national and sectoral settings.  相似文献   
我国普通共同诉讼的实体要件过于单一,限于诉讼标的同一种类;程序要件较为僵硬,要求当事人与法院双重同意。这就使普通共同诉讼在司法实践中较难成立,适用范围比较狭窄,既难以发挥合并审理的诉讼效率功能,也无法承接必要共同诉讼的程序边界。普通共同诉讼的理论重构应当注重权限分配与范围界定。前者须合理协调当事人的程序异议权与法院的程序裁决权,限制合并管辖的适用情形,区分合并管辖与合并审理的不同定位。后者须明确普通共同诉讼与必要共同诉讼的进阶性顺位关系,必要共同诉讼应以合一确定的必要性而非诉讼标的共同为判断标准,普通共同诉讼须以诉讼标的同种且基础事实同种、基础事实同一或基础事实存在牵连关系三者作为合并审理的客观标准。  相似文献   
现代城市因人口聚居、建筑密集、活动复杂而日益成为风险中心,呈现出复合性、联动性、叠加性、扩散性、隐蔽性增大等整体性风险。本文基于韧性视角,引入"韧性城市"概念,剖析了现代城市整体性风险防控实践的六大盲点和弊端,并分别从空间、时间和层级三个维度提出了韧性城市风险治理的范式,梳理出"都市群-城镇带-生活圈"防范风险扩散、"灾前预警-灾中应急-灾后恢复"阻遏风险延递、"宏观搭台-中观定标-微观落地"化解风险叠加的具体策略。  相似文献   
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